heart in the clouds

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Sometimes I sing him to sleep

Sometimes I sing Zach to sleep at night. And, sometimes he even lets me sing songs I want to sing. I made up a song I used to sing to him while I was pregnant and he really seems to still like it, so that's a plus. I hadn't tried to make up any new songs lately because all he has been wanting to hear is Twinkle, Twinkle little star or a Gymbo the clown song to the tune of "The wheels on the bus go round and round." It instead has lyrics like "Gymbo the clown goes up and down..." Anyway, that song isn't too sleep inducing for obvious reasons. So I made up verses like "Gymbo the clown says close your eyes...and Gymbo the clown says go to sleep, etc."

Tonight however, he was feeling very generous in mood and actually allowed me to sing whatever I wanted. So I just started singing and came up with the start of a pretty cool worship song. I wish I knew how to write music. If any of you out there can write down the notes if I sing them...or play what I sing on the guitar or piano, let me know! I hope the melody isn't something already out there; I'd like to think the Lord gave it to me tonight. But if not, I know He gave me the evolving lyrics and I'm going to at least write those down here.

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
You are Lord of all
I lift my hands to praise you
then to my knees I fall

Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
I say your name out loud
Jesus, Jesus Jesus,
Let me in you be found

Lord of heaven
Lord of Earth
Lord of all I'm worth
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus
you are Lord of all


Andrew's Mommy said...

I'll write it down for you!!!!

aimeenky said...

yea!!! I knew I had some very talented friends out there :)