heart in the clouds

Friday, January 18, 2008

Get Up!

So I'm realizing that my toddler is very unintentionally insightful. He doesn't realize the education he's providing to us about the important things in life. Yesterday morning, like most mornings, Zachary woke up earlier than the alarm. I figured bringing him into our bed would allow us to get 15 or 20 more minutes of quiet...WRONG. When he wakes up, he's ready to go. His eyes open and that's it; the day has begun. However, when my eyes open, I just want to shut them again. We have a fundamental disagreement about morning wake-up behaviour!

As Zach was alternating between alligator rolling and playing peekabo under his new blanket-tent, David and I were trying to just ignore him. Well, he would have none of that. Zach grabbed the blankets and threw them off of me in laughter yelling "GeT UP, Mommy, GeT UP!" He says this to me a lot - when we're still eating long after his 2-minute stint at the table, when I'm replying to an e-mail on the computer, when I'm trying to watch the news, when he's finished wrestling with me on the floor, when he feels we've sat too long in the pew at church, and anytime I feel like relaxing on the couch.

There's a lot you can learn from those two words "GET UP." I thought I lived a pretty active lifestyle, but Zach has reminded me not to sit idle.

I wonder if God is sitting up in heaven sometimes just saying "GET UP," Aimee! When I linger too long in a daydream, when I don't pray or read the word, when I feel sorry for myself, when I just can't seem to totally forgive someone, when I'm holding bitterness or anger toward someone...I think He probably just wants me to GET UP and do something about it. That may not mean physically standing up, but the application is the same.

1 comment:

Misty Dawn said...

I needed this! I've had a week long pity party. This is quite inspiring, thanks for sharing!